Friday, December 16, 2016

Research Blog #10: Final Abstract, Bibliography, and Link to the Paper


Commuter students face a multitude of time commitments such as a job, family and transportation to and from school that prevent them from focusing on getting involved in the university community. While this may not cause a huge disruption in their academics and social life, research shows that students that live on-campus in a residence hall achieve higher GPAs and retention rates. These on-campus students succeed because they are able to get more involved in their university, such as having more time to interact with peers, professors and extracurriculars. Students who get involved feel more invested in their community and strive to succeed as a result. Meanwhile, there are some students who do not feel the same. Social isolates who reside in the residence halls do not receive the same benefits of on-campus living that other students experience; because they lack the social groups to get involved and to feel connected to the college community. Resident Assistants in the residence halls play an integral role in helping facilitate relationships for these social isolates, although they have failed to do so, so far.


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Balfour, Denise S. (2013). The Relationship Between Living Arrangement, Academic
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Academic Performance.” Journal of College Student Development 30.4 (1989): 298-308.
ERIC. Web. 4 Oct. 2016.
Blumenthal, Andrew M. Analyzing the Role of the Resident Assistant in Academic Support. Diss.
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Chickering, Arthur W. Commuting Versus Resident Students: [overcoming the Educational
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Jacoby, Barbara, and John Garland. “Strategies for Enhancing Commuter Student Success.”
Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory and Practice 6.1 (2004): 61-79.
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Moffatt, Michael. Coming of Age in New Jersey: College and American Culture. New
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Newbold, John J. "Lifestyle Challenges For Commuter Students." New Directions For Student
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Turley, RNL, and G Wodtke. "College Residence And Academic Performance: Who Benefits
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Link to the Paper

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